— Knowing the Law May Save a Life —

How to Thrive in Law: Practical Tips for New Attorneys

Without adequate legal practice, it can be extremely challenging to run a country effectively. Many people begin law school each year with dreams of becoming attorneys-in-law or judges one day; however, they don’t know what path to take when they graduate from school.

There are a lot of misconceptions about law. For instance, some people think that it is a “boring” profession because they can’t see the action or results right away. Others think that all advocates do is to file paperwork and answer phones. This article will give you an overview of what it takes to thrive in law and how you can get there. 

Becoming an advocate is one of the most competitive professions in the world. Although there are many jobs and openings for attorneys, there aren’t enough people with the necessary skills to fill them. As a result, it’s vital to have a plan for how you will do well as an attorney. Here is what I’ve learned about becoming effective in law.

Study Law at University

Law is a good degree to study if you want a career in politics. It’s also a good degree to study if you want to work in business. The students learn how the legal system works and how laws can be changed: they learn about the courts and working with clients and studying case and statutory laws (the rules passed by parliament).

Find a Training Contract or Pupillage

Finding a training contract or pupillage can be one of the most difficult aspects of starting your career as a lawyer. You may have heard that finding a training contract or pupillage within your first few years after graduating from university is very competitive, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t options out there.

Training contracts are usually paid and full-time, so you won’t be able to work elsewhere at the same time. However, many legislative system firms offer flexible working hours and some even allow part-time contracts for those who want them (although it will probably depend on whether they think you’re capable).

You should also bear in mind that most people who qualify for training contracts are graduates; if you want to qualify for them yourself then make sure you check whether this is necessary when researching different employers and their requirements!

Continuing to Study and Develop Yourself whilst in Practice

  • Keep learning and developing your skills
  • Take on new cases
  • Work on unknown areas of legislative systems
  • Take on more responsibilities
  • Learn from your peers and mentors. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. It’s not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign that you’re willing to learn and grow. If someone has more experience than you, don’t be afraid to ask for guidance – or even ask them to work with you so they can show you the ropes!

Look for the Right Firm for You

Finding the right firm for you is an essential part of your achievement as an attorney. It’s wise to find a firm that fits with your personality and goals.

You should look for a place where you’re comfortable and happy, since this is where you’ll spend most of your time at work. It’s also vital to consider what kind of law they practice – e.g., if they focus on immigration legislative acts or family system, etc – whether the community works best with your personality type (for instance: there is pressure or stress involved).


The clue to thriving in law is to work hard, continue studying and be proactive. Finding your ideal firm is also an essential thing but it won’t happen overnight and there will be many more hurdles along the way. Remember that everyone starts at the bottom so don’t despair if you don’t get your dream job straight away; just keep trying until something good comes along!